Thursday, April 16, 2009

Lazy and Lovin' It

Can I just say, that apart from working on residency paperwork and preparing posts for my Women's Health Corner, I am happy to be able to sleep in, watch TV all day, and catch up on just the healing and rejuvinating power of relaxation! :)

Per request, I just posted on the women's health corner info about the female reproductive cycle. Next will be Postpartum Depression-hopefully coming soon.

One challenge that I am encountering when preparing posts for the Corner, is trying to put into simple enough terms, processes that are anything but. Trying to explain B without having to teach the reader information A that makes understanding information B possible is definetely daunting sometimes, but it is a challenge that I welcome because patients deserve to know what is going on in their bodies in a way that they can understand and utilize, and so it is important that physicians be able to bridge that gap for their patients.


Unknown said...

I think it says a lot about what an awesome doctor you're going to be that you want to explain it to your patients. I've had sooooo many doctors that told me it was over my head, even when it turned out that it wasn't.

Amy said...

Knowledge translation = power. I agree, its great that you want to even try to explain it.

I find that sometimes what a patient wants to know doesn't equate with what their question asks. Being able to take knowledge you have and translate it in such a way that someone can receive and understand it is really a great thing. I'm glad you're willing to do it!