Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thanks for all of the feedback to my little rant the other day. I wish that I felt comfortable enough to share with you the context of what spurred me to write what I did. Just know, that it concerns being around a family that we love, that is lost, who on some level wants to reconnect with God, but who is so entrenched in bad habits from poor upbringing in the past, and misconceptions about life, further more faith that there always seems to present itself, barriers and ignorances to trudge through in order to communicate logically with them. Its not only about their faith, its about their idea of relationships and of parenting, that is disfunctional, a fact that they are the first to admit. They, like all of us, want to be better and do better than the generation before them, and I have faith that they will better the quality of their lives eventually. Its just a matter of figuring out what that definition is, and getting priorites in the right order. For right now,being around it sometimes takes a toll on me and on Randy. We pray for their happiness because that is all that we can do.


nancy bowman said...

I loved the post-partum depression post. It helps so many women to know there is a medical reason for thier depression rather then feeling they are just going crazy. You are doing a great job!

nancy bowman said...

ps. nacy bowman is aka beth allen. (I am at my mom's house) :)