Tuesday, March 17, 2009

ST. PATRICK'S DAY Chicago Style

Today is St. Patrick's Day, and Chicago is one city that takes it seriously. All weekend, different areas have held parades, and festivals, and for the past forty years, Chicago's Plumber's Union has dyed the Chicago River green! Now I am by no means Irish- although I do have strong Scottish blood in me, believe it or not (my paternal grandmother is half Scottish, and there is scottish blood on the other side of my family as well), but even I could not help but feel the lightened spirits in the air on this beautiful day. I trust that this day is celebrated responsibly and I hope that at least it helps the nation to forget about this country's woes for at least one day.


witticism here said...

Welcome to the blogging world! I have one, too, if you ever want to check it out. Congrats on the job, I am stoked for you!

Cassandra said...

Ooh! Too cool!

Amy said...

Hi Dionne, thanks for finding my blog! Are you at Northwestern? Do you remember Melanie Jorgenson? Her husband has been at Northwestern, they're doing a medical sabbatical in Ecuador this year where he's working as a doctor. Your life looks so fun. I just got my RN license, but am having trouble finding a job here around San Francisco....the nursing shortage technically hasn't affected the Bay Area in 3 years. BOO!