Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sorry Honey :)

It is the night before I am to find out if I matched at a program. On facebook, all of my classmates are nervous. seeking enouragement that everything will be OK and wishing each other good luck. Church today was enriching and uplifting as usual, and we had a great weekend, enjoying the warmth and the much needed sun, but now, as Randy and I are doing laundry and trying to keep me occupied, I think that I am losing my mind. I have started acting quite wacky, getting bored but feeling overstimulated at the same time. I don't feel like reading, watching tv or pretty much anything, and I am sure that I am perturbing my poor husband. If this is a harbinger of how this week will be, then I say in advance to Randy:
SORRY HONEY. Thanks for putting up with me, and this life :) I love you!

1 comment:

Amy said...

oh my goodness, I completely relate. I don't think anyone quite understands the nerves that go along with getting into a medical profession school, or after school when you're waiting to see whats next on life's plate, unless they've gone through some medical profession school themselves (and I'm sure that nursing school, as stressful as it is, is NO WHERE close to the stress of being a doctor and finding a residency!)